Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Walk of Death

Today I will die. This is not supposed to be a morbid statement, but it is true. I know I told my readers in my last post that I would not have anymore depressing posts, but this is truely not supposed to be sad. It is just a statement. Yesterday I went to visit Charles Darnay in jail. I decided before hand that I would drug him so he fell unconscious. Before that though, I convinced him to switch clothes with me. I told him some stupid stuff about how he needs fresh clothes or something. That is not the important part though. So after we switched clothes I drugged him. He took it like a champ...but he was out pretty quick. As the guards pulled him out, I stayed in the cell. The switch was made. I realized then that I would be facing my death. I am writing this last post while I am waiting in line for the Guillotine. I have heard that it is supposed to be pretty quick and painless. I cannot help but think of the future right now. All I want is for Lucie to be happy. I know that since she should be out of the country by now she is safe. That gives me such a relief. I know that I have hated Charles in the past but he treats her right and they will hopefully have a very good life together. Maybe they will have more kids....? I hope they think of me if they are thinking of names for a new baby. Well, my time has come to face my death. You guys have been a great audience. Goodbye.

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