Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fill up the glass..but maybe stop?

Mr. Stryver plans to ask Lucie to marry him. That is the worst news I have ever heard. Then he made a rude comment about how I should marry someone with money so I am not poor. He is my boss and I was drunk but whatever. I guess I deserve that comment. I drank even more after he told me that, obviously. This makes me really mad. I don't know exactly how I feel for Lucy right now, but I know that that makes me upset. When I see Lucy all I think of is how beautiful she is. Her hair is gorgeous. But I heard that she does not want to marry him. That makes me laugh. Oh, how ignorant Mr. Stryver is. He thinks that I do not remember him telling me that because I was drunk, but that painful memory will be seared into my memory for ever. Maybe I should actually try and tell her how I feel. That would take a lot of courage but I think I should try...right?? There is no harm in trying. I think I am going to go there as soon as I can build up the courage. This is good. I will show her I am the man she desires!!

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